Home Forums TextFugu More Anki Sentence Decks plllleeeeease!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Bex 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hiya! So, I’m very audio based on how I remember – I’ve found it very very easy remembering sentences structures on the earlier chapters on textfugu, entirely because of the audio included on the sentence decks.

    So far, I’ve just started learning casual verbs. Where have all of the sentence decks gone? I tried to make my own cards today based on the sample sentences on every lesson, but because they don’t have audio, I don’t remember them as easily.

    I’m specifically thinking of the massive list of nominal adverbs, such as ととも、ぜんぜん、たいてい、etc. It would be soooo much easier for me to remember the usage of that huge chuck of words if the example sentences on their chapters were just downloadable as an anki deck.

    Other sentence decks that don’t exist (but need to be made) include examples (with audio) of:
    ほしい、 にくい、 やすい、 -たい、 な & い adjectives, the ‘going to do’ structures, and casual nouns, adjectives and verbs (with different conjugations of all of them). All of these things have audio sentence example that already exist, right there on the lessons. They just need to be accessible as anki cards.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by  Bex.
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