Home Forums The Japanese Language Multi verb sentences

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nige 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hiay all,

    I’m currently in Tokyo for a few days and have a favour to do of a Japanese friend. I need to post some stuff he left with me back to his parents. He told me I can go into a seven eleven store and post with ‘pay on delivery’. I was thinking of saying “are you able to post this please”. I’m still at a quite basic level and don’t know how to say a sentence with more than one verb. I want to end the sentence with できますか, but I’m not sure what form the infinite ‘to post’ should be in??

    Many thanks




    You can use the potential form to say that without needing two verbs. For example: この小包は送られますか。

    Using できる it would be: この小包は送ることができますか。

    Though I’m not sure that it would be particularly natural to ask such a question, instead of just saying: これ、郵便で送ってください。 Or: これ、郵便で送りたいのですが.

    Maybe one of the posters who lives there can share their experience.

    You may find this useful: http://www.maggiesensei.com/2010/09/16/%E9%83%B5%E4%BE%BFyuubin-postal-service/

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 4 months ago by  Elenkis.



    Thanks, that gives me something to go on.



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