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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bryce 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    I am looking for some good recommendations on Japanese music. I enjoy all types of genres except for country music. Please post what you enjoy.


    There’s already a thread kinda like this, but nobody blames you for not knowing since this forum has no search function >.< Back on the old forum you could embed videos, but you can't anymore (except from Koichi for some reason) – made the music thread a lot easier on the eyes haha






    However, while this thread is still open, I’ll just say that I like “Perfume” and “MEG” (both Electro-pop produced by the same guy, so they have a similar sort of style sometimes). The only other Japanese band I like (so far) besides those two is “RADWIMPS”, but even then, only listen to a few songs – they are indie-rock, but the singer raps as well as singing (but no, it’s nothing like Gangsta Rap hehe).

    I guess I’ve not gotten into J-music as much as some other people.


    If you have any interest at all in rock/metal and the like I can recommend…

    Concerto Moon
    Maximum the Hormone
    X Japan

    probably loads more that I haven’t listened to in a while



    thanks ill have to check those guys out

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