Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) My boring introduction

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    Arthur Siu

    I’ve finally run out of initial adrenaline rush learning Japanese, so I decided to finally get around to introducing my self on the forums after 2 weeks or so.
    I’m a 23 year old who finally decided to learn Japanese after realizing how much Japanese media I ingest…probably too much anime, music, manga. I was born an ABC in sunny California. Hence I know 1.4 languages. .2 Cantonese and .2 Mandarin. Oh wells, helps with the kanji anyways. I’m a musician in my free time and I help out on my family’s organic farm as a living. Playing piano since 4 =). I also recently lost my finger in an industrial machine accident so I am out of the picture for 2 months or so. In which I shall study Japanese like a maniac!! Mwhahaha! What interests me the most is how song lyrics can be written in Japanese. Were you to express yourself like that in English you would sound like an idiot. And something that simple is my main motive in learning Japanese. Nearly done with Season 3 and almost ready to move to Season 4. Hope to finish before I recover, because it’s hard to study when you have a job. AHHHHHH!!!! DYING FROM STUDYING!!!!!

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Arthur Siu.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Arthur Siu.


    Were you to express yourself like that in English you would sound like an idiot.

    Have you ever read English song lyrics? =P


    Arthur Siu

    You got me there…


    Awfully sorry to hear about the injury! Hope the Japanese learning goes well in the mean time! がんばって!

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