Home Forums The Japanese Language My Passion Vocab List

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    Hey all. I’m starting with Season 1 currently, and I’ve reached the first vocab list where you come up with words based on a passion.

    My actual passion is martial arts, but since I know most of the words related to that (they are already in Japanese) I decided to go with things that have to do with my work, which is a First Aid instructor. As you can imagine the words are a bit technical in nature, but I had a try at looking them up, using the methods with Denshi Jisho and google images, but I imagine some of the words I found aren’t the proper ones. And a couple I couldn’t find at all. Here’s my list so far:

    01 Bandage/Dressing – 包帯 – ほうたい
    02 Splint – 副木 – そえぎ
    03 Sling *
    04 Blood – 血液 – けつえき
    05 Burn – 火傷 – やけど
    06 Bite – 噛傷 – かみきず
    07 Breathing – 息 – いき
    08 Fracture – 骨折 – こっせつ
    09 Bandage/Crepe roller bandage *
    10 Rest – 休める – やすめる
    11 Ice pack – 冷湿布/冷罨法 – れいしっぷ/ れいあんぽう
    12 Compression – 圧迫性 – あっぱくせい
    13 Elevate – 持上げる – もちあげる
    14 Danger – 危険 – きけん
    15 Response – 反応 – はんのう
    16 Airway – 上気道 – じょうきどう
    17 Circulation/Pulse – 脈 – みゃく
    18 Defibrillator – 除細動器 – じょさいどうき
    19 CPR – 心肺蘇生法 – しんぱいそせいほう
    20 Heart – 心筋 – しんきん

    For number 3 it’s supposed to be an arm sling, for when you have a fractured arm.
    For number 9 I found a dressing bandage (I think), but not the compression/roller bandage you would use to secure a dressing. There might not even be a separate word for it, as they are fairly interchangeable in English as well.
    For number 11 I’m not sure which one is the best.

    As for the others, I would appreciate it if someone knowledgeable could just check my list and make sure I’ve looked up the proper words.

    Arigatou gozaimasu! _(._.)_

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by  Aikibujin.


    Number twenty should be 心臓- shinzou. 心筋 means myocardium. For number three, つり帯 is the noun for sling, though I’m not 100% sure. I will check on the others when I’ve got a bit more time. Hope this helps!



    Number 10 should be 休む. 休める means to give relief.



    Thank you for the suggestions, could I also get the hiragana for those, as my Kanji knowledge is horrible.




    I suggest putting them into jisho.org and also downloading rikaikun, but anyway:



    Sorry I’m a nub, didn’t even think of that.

    What is Rikaikun?



    Rikaichan/Rikaikun are browser extensions for Firefox and Google Chrome, respectively, that translate Japanese text when you hover over it.

    They’re an incredible resources, and I would highly recommend them. Check it out:

    Rikaichan (Firefox): http://www.polarcloud.com/rikaichan/
    Rikaikun (Google Chrome): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jipdnfibhldikgcjhfnomkfpcebammhp

    There are also quite a few free online Japanese dictionaries that you might find useful:


    (I like Tangorin the best, personally.)



    Thank you for the sites, will definitely check them out.



    Thanks to all for the help.

    I’ve used the additional resources and your suggestions to update my list:

    01 Bandage/Dressing – 包帯 – ほうたい
    02 Splint – 副木 – そえぎ
    03 Sling
    04 Blood – 血液 – けつえき
    05 Burn – 火傷 – やけど
    06 Bite – 噛傷 – かみきず
    07 Breathing – 息 – いき
    08 Fracture – 骨折 – こっせつ
    09 Bandage/Crepe Bandage-
    10 Rest – 休む – やすむ
    11 Ice pack – 冷湿布 – れいしっぷ
    12 Compression – 圧迫性 – あっぱくせい
    13 Elevate – 持上げる – もちあげる
    14 Danger – 危険 – きけん
    15 Response – 反応 – はんのう
    16 Airway – 上気道 – じょうきどう
    17 Circulation/Pulse – 脈 – みゃく
    18 Defibrillator – 除細動器 – じょさいどうき
    19 CPR – 心肺蘇生法 – しんぱいそせいほう
    20 Heart – 心臓 – しんぞう

    I’m fairly confident that the ones I have are correct now, I just need 3 and 9.

    As to Sayuri’s suggestion of つり帯 for 3, that seems to refer more to a climbing apparatus type sling than an arm sling for a fracture. Someone on a different site suggested: つり包帯 and the google images for it look pretty promising, does that make sense to anyone? I’ve noticed that seems to take the Kanji for bandage and add つり to the beginning, so I’m guessing that would be pronounced tsurihoutai?



    ギブス is good for a cast. dictionary says plaster cast, but I had even a soft cast and everyone was calling it ギブス so that might be good for you for 9…



    Interesting, can you explain exactly what you mean by a soft cast though? What type of injury did you have? And what was the actual function of the bandage?

    Thank you. ^_^



    Another question, for bleeding I see either 外出血 – がいしゅっけつ or 出血 – しゅっけつ, which is the best one, or what’s the difference?



    im not an expert on bleeding but I’d say 出血



    By soft cast I mean they made a hard half mold, if you will. then held it in place by wrapping bandages all around it. so technically it was half hard (under my arm and palm) and half soft (around the back of my forearm and back of my hand). I broke my hand in february, so this is what they gave me.

    as for bleeding, I would say more casually, 血が出る is what I always hear people say for bleeding.

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