Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) My Reintroduction – Shazbot

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    I’m back hopefully for good. Was very distracted with school, two part-time jobs, and my pure inability to overcome laziness.
    My name is Brandon. I enjoy learning Japanese and in general just seem to have a knack for learning languages (Can watch things without subtitles and understand things just through context.) But it is time for me to put something behind that contextual learning instead of random knowledge.

    Sadly I have to start the program over again from scratch, not because I forgot things but because it has changed quite a lot in the last year that I have no idea where I would start. Good thing I can still remember my Hiragana, coming back should be a little easier.


    If you actually read this then I love you and hereby have to give you a gift. http://youtu.be/MTAP27cZbYs




    hashi: [VGS] Shazbot!
    hashi: Hey Brandon, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck with your studies.
    hashi: [VGCG] Good game!



    Welcome back to TF :). Hope you have more success this time around.



    Thank you missing. Hashi seems to know whats up. Thanks kanjiman, I hope I can stay motivated this time.


    Gotta love Tribes Ascend. ^^

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