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This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  andoryuu3 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    This may be impossible, but it would be nice to have some native speakers in the forum that could answer questions and or correct mistakes.
    Missing started up a Japanese conversation thread (which I think is a good idea and would like to see more people in there) and he has corrected a few of my mistakes (which I appreciate) but it would be nice to have that sort of thing done by a native speaker. Otherwise it’s a bit like trying to learn to swim from someone who still wears floaties (this is not a shot at your intelligence or ability, missing).
    It would be nice in other places too, so when someone threw a question at the forum like “WTF mate? What’s this nominalization noise anyway?” they would know they were getting a reliable answer not just the cracked guesswork of some fool like me.



    I agree. That would be really nice. I like your analogy of learning to swim from someone who wears floaties. Very apt. lol



    I’ll see what I can do!


    Is this not what Lang-8 is for? I doubt many native speakers will want to help while getting nothing in return; the good thing about Lang-8 is that it’s a mutual affair, so there is more incentive to help other people.



    Firstly: Inb4 Koichi kidnaps a Japanese slave child

    Secondly: Lang-8?


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