Home Forums The Japanese Language Need help with multiples sentence, thanks in advance!

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    Original : 私たちはtutoyerで話しましょう!
    1 – 私たちはあなたで話しましょう!-> let’s talk toguether?

    2.0 – ありがとう!理解できました!説明とコメントをありがとう -> Thanks! I can understand! Thanks for the explantation with the comment included

    Original : (私はtuの時の動詞の活用をよく間違えますが、私はあなたとtuで話したいです)
    2.1 – 私は(あなた)の時の動詞の活用をよく間違えますが、私はあなたと(あなた)で話したいです -> I would like to talk to you about the practicial use of the verb tenses???

    Original : tutoyerなので少しくだけた言葉で書きました。
    3.0 – (あなた)ので少しくだけた言葉で書きました -> I wrote a little explaination

    4.0 – よい週末を過ごし「て」ね!-> Have a good weekend!/I hope you spend a good weekend!(something like that?)

    Note : I wrote what I think it meant at the right with the arrows.
    Thanks in advance!



    1. 一緒に話しましょう would probably be better. Side note, で is not the right particle to use there – should be either に or と, which have slightly different meanings. に implies one-way interation (“talk to you”) while と implies reciprocal (“talk with you”). Are these fill-in-the-blank questions? Because if so, the thing that needs to go before the で is a location – for example, 私たちは図書館で話しましょう = let’s talk in the library.

    2.0. Think I’d go with わかりました rather than 理解できました. Otherwise it looks ok.

    2.1. “I’m often mistaken about (your?) conjugation of temporal verbs, but I’d like to speak with you.” … Those two clauses don’t really seem to go together. And the use of “you” there is downright odd. Again, で in the second clause needs a location. Or a means – you could say 日本語で話したい = I want to talk in Japanese.

    3. Not quite sure what you’re getting at with あなたので – “because it’s you”? The second half reads “I wrote using only small words” (though there’s an extraneous た lurking in there).

    4. Technically yes, but it’s more normally just said as よい週末を – the verb is implied.

    Side note, the use of the second-person pronoun is not nearly as common in Japanese as it is in English. Or… French?



    I should have explained the whole situation, my apologies. I was using lang8 and corrected someone who wrote a message in french since my native langage is french. The replies which the person gave me after I corrected her text is by order : Number 2, 1 and 2.1. Around that time I also wrote an entry which she corrected and replied 3 and 4. Sorry for the confusion and I am very grateful for your help. Thank you very much!

    P.S. If you have questions about my explanation feel free to ask me since I have from time to time trouble in english! :P

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