Home Forums TextFugu Need help with worksheet

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    I’m on one of the worksheet with na-/i-adjectives and I can’t figure out what I’m supposed to write or what the sentence means (kind of). Can someone help me?

    It goes like this:

    “TextFuguは[long blank space]エッセイをかきました。

    Any ideas? The エッセイ part confused me the most, but I *think* it means essay, because it sounds the most like that.



    Yes that word means essay.

    Do you have any of the Rikai tools for your browser?


    I don’t know what that is, so probably not.

    Besides, I’m using pen and paper when doing these worksheets…



    You’ll find it under Browser Extensions in the following thread. It allows you to mouse over a Japanese word and get its definition and Kanji.


    If you use Rikaisama it will also have audio files for a lot of them. It’s massively helpful for learning Japanese. ^_^



    When they invent a version of Rikai-x that works for pen-and-paper, I’ll be impressed.

    Probably be Google-glass-based. =P

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