Home Forums The Japanese Language New guy here! :D

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    Hi, so I’m a new guy here. I’ve been studying japanese for about 2 months. I have finished season 1 on Textfugu. My main sources of studying are Textfugu and Wanikani. I already know hiragana and katakana.
    So, any suggestions, tips for me? :P
    Should I count other stuff into my learning or should I stick to these? I think it would be a little overwhelming with lots of different sources, tracking all the progress and so on. Other people seem to use etc. Textfugu+Genki, which seems confusing for me.
    Should I simply go by Textfugu and do what it tells? Or should I start doing other stuff as well, like listening to pods and so on, speaking and so on :D

    P.S. Is it really okay for me to start Wanikani so early? I mean there are stuff like on’yomi, kun’yomi, verb, adjective rules and so on, which I haven’t learned on Textfugu yet. But I did learn a little doing it on Wanikani. So is it okay for me to go for kanji/vocab without a decent grammar knowledge?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  Dumax.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  Dumax.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  Dumax.


    I learn’t all the radicals much early than TF told me to, and I think it was a very good idea as it became much easier for me to learn kanjis on my own, outside of TF.
    As you learn a few grammar concepts I think you should try to read some of the beginner texts from this site.

    Oh and one last thing. As soon as you get able to make your own sentences, you should begin to use lang-8.com. Lang-8 can correct some of the faults you do in the beginning. Lang-8 is a site where you can write something in the language you want to learn, and get corrections from natives.

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