Home Forums TextFugu New Member!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hello 7 years, 11 months ago.

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    I just joined TextFugu after studying Season 1. I found the format and teaching style works well with how I learn. I’ve already learned a lot!

    Do all members automagically get signed up for EtoEto once it is available?





    Regarding EtoEto, this is what Koichi said in the latest update:

    2. Inviting Everyone to EtoEto

    Many of you are still waiting for an invite to EtoEto’s Alpha.

    Sometime this month, I’ll make sure everyone gets invited to the current EtoEto. I think around 75% of all TextFugu Forever members have been invited already, but there are still quite a few folks who haven’t.

    If you haven’t gotten your invite by the end of the month (January 2017), and you purchased a TextFugu Forever account in 2016 or earlier, please email me at hello@etoeto.com. In addition to this, I’ll increase the rate at which new people (who register in January 2017 and later) get invited too. This way you at least have the old “new” version of EtoEto while you wait for the next new version. The KUMA section, thanks to Kristen, is actually very, very full of content, good for intermediate to advanced learners. I recommend you check it out if you are interested in language shadowing.



    Thanks, Joel!

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