Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) New player joins the race

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lathluin 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi there, just posting here so that first post in the forums in case I start using them is not in a random thread. I´m spanish, living in UK now, Japan and everything related to it has always been, for real, my passion, and suddenly I´ve realized I was doing nothing to reach it because every time in the past 8 years that I´ve tried to make a start in learning japanese had been a failure.

    TextFugu was one of the first results in “selfteaching japanese” and so far the free content has been very helpful so I´m hoping the rest of it will be just as much. A bit discouraged by the lack of updates since the last official update, but for what I see there´s enough stuff to make it worth paying one or two months.

    See you around the forums.



    ようこそ Lathluin.
    TF is a very nice tool. I focuses a lot on keeping you motivated, and I think that’s something very important.
    I wish you good luck.



    Hey ありがとうございます!I’m doing my best so far hehe ^_^

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