Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Newbface McBobberson

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    Hi all, I’ve been a member for a week now, and I’ve loved it so far. I have already finished Season 2 (did Season 1, plus memorized all my kana while waiting for the money to be able to pay for this) and I’m ready for more. I want to learn Japanese for a variety of reasons, but I don’t want to bore anyone with the whole story, so I’ll try to be brief. Basically, I wanted to read the novel that my favorite anime is based on: The Tatami Galaxy, or 四畳半神話大系. It turns out, none of the author’s work has made it outside of Asia, and that’s a real shame. Suffice it to say, I want to read that damn book (and others), and I also want to more ably appreciate the culture and nuance that comes with a language and country so intensely different from the English-speaking world.



    Taylor – That’s a good reason and goal for learning Japanese. Good luck with it! :)


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