Hello! I’m a student of 21 years. I currently study in Norway at a University.
I just recently started learning Japanese (about a week ago) and I think I have made big progress already. Specially with the help of Season 1 in TextFugu! In only 2-3 days I knew Hiragana and now, a week after my start, I read way faster already than when I started! So I’m very impressed by myself, and of course TextFugu thus far.
I have only just begun on Season 2, since I am kind of doing A LOT at the moment. I listen to JapanesePod 101 daily and am also currently reading through Master Japanese by John Fotheringham.
I actually started by acquiring Master Japanese, and it was from there I was recommended TextFugu, so I tried it out and was VERY impressed by the thoroughness and the fact that the whole Season 1 was free, and this is also the season where you learn Hiragana!
Anyways. I just wanted to say hello to everyone! I will probably be on here chatting and asking dumb questions etc. (I know, I know… No questions are dumb :)
This topic was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by
Kim B.