Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Nice to meet all of you!

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    I’m Heather. I chose the user name Sumimasen since I know I’m probably going to have to apologize and thank people for their help….repeatedly, so I figured I would be proactive. I have hobby ADHD and ADHD in general. I dabble in drawing, painting, baking, crochet, knitting, origami, sewing, Chinese knot work, beading, needlework and I like to Trikke. I have a rather odd sense of humor (another reason for the proactive sumimasen).

    I have wanted to learn a second language for awhile and while there are more practical choices for my area, I however have no interest in those cultures. I know that language is a ‘use it or lose it’ type of skill so I wanted to chose a language that I have an active enough interest in to keep me practicing and actually wanting to practice. Translation: I want to be able to read manga, Japanese crafting books and watch Japanese clips on YouTube and be able to say ‘I’m not goofing off! I’m studying!’ with a straight face (I’ll giggle gleefully later).

    My starting goal is to at least get to the point in grammar and language that I can translate my crafting books and manga, even if it’s with some help from my collection of Japanese language books. I’ll work my way forward from there.

    Again it is nice to meet all of you!

    はじめまして。 私 は ヘザ  です。



    Interesting username, Heather :p

    Welcome to TextFugu, and good luck learning Japanese!






    Heather – welcome! I have hobby ADHD as well. ;) I stick with something for awhile and then find something else to learn. Surprisingly, Japanese made me stick with it. Hopefully you’ll experience the same thing!

    Good luck with your studies!

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