Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Nice to meet you all!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Cassandra Guerrero 8 years, 2 months ago.

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    I am not even sure whether I’ve created a post introducing myself long ago or not.

    Hello! My name is Kali. I absolutely love everything about Japan and I studied aboard there last year. I must say the experiences I had there are wonderful. I made friends there and only stay in contact with one or two… I am in desperate need of people who I can practice and learn Japanese together.

    I, as well, am Deaf. I know a little bit Japanese Sign Language more than I know Japanese. It would be nice if I also can practice my Japanese Sign Language with someone!

    Please be my kind friends! ^^




    I’m partially deaf myself, but not so much that I ever learnt sign language of any description.

    You ever read a manga called A Silent Voice?


    Wow, how did you learn Japanese Sign Language? I would love to learn some as well, and then maybe we could practice together! Good luck on your language learning!

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