Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Nina-Chan can learn JAPANESE!

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    I have been ‘binge’ studying Japaneses for SEVERAL years. I refuse to admit how may. *lowers head in shame* BUT! I’m hitting the virtual books once more and I’m back in full force! So I started a Japanese Language learning blog to keep me motivated. Check it out below. Let’s chat and learn together.



    If you’ve been studying Japanese for years (even just on and off), I think TextFugu might be a little basic for you – it’s aimed at absolute beginners and doesn’t really have much content. I could be wrong, but just a heads up :)

    What sort of level would you say you were at anyway? *Please* tell me in those years of studying you’ve learned at least *some* kanji :P


    Well, I had learned some kanji over the years. I knew much more then than I know now. *lowers head again*

    I’ve had some memory loss due to an unfortunate event, which I will not go into, however, my ability to store ‘new’ information is still intact and working in full force!

    So, I am basically starting all over again from the beginning as far as grammar and kanji are concerned, just to be sure I don’t miss anything that may have been there before.



    There’s also the Koyomi Araragi style bow (which is just a handstand).
    Welcome to Fuguland, and Good luck.

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