Home Forums The Japanese Language Numbers reading question

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  vanandrew 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi, I’m still a complete beginner going through Season 2 of TextFugu.

    I was confused by the readings of the numbers kanji. TextFugu states that:

    Note that most vocab words, when all alone (with no other kanji attached to them) use the kun’yomi readings. Numbers are not like that. They use the on’yomi reading when left alone like this. Just remember that numbers are the exception to the rule.

    It also gives the on’yomi reading for 十 as じゅう, and the on’yomi reading for 七  as しち.

    However, one of the practice pages has the sentence: 十は七じゃありません, which is read as じゅう は なな じゃありません. So the kun’yomi reading for 七 (なな) is used.

    Why is that? Is 七 an exception to the rule, or is the rule incorrect? Or am I missing something?

    Thank you very much for any help!


    Don’t mean to get at you – this is a perfectly reasonable question to ask, and you’re right for wondering – but this *exact question* has already been asked. I know there’s no “Search” feature on this forum, but the thread in question is actually on the first page , only a few threads below yours at time of writing :P


    The question has actually been asked here about 5739 times in all, but a lot of those are pages and pages away; you really have to have been here for a while to know the full extent of the problem haha (or be handy with Google searching). I blame Koichi’s lack of forum presence – if he’d actually been here, he would’ve noticed it was a problem with the book and had it fixed by now.



    Oh wow, you’re right, I should have at least looked through the top few threads before asking. I think I did see that other thread, but didn’t open it because it’s called “Kanji sentence” which didn’t sound relevant to my question. Sorry for contributing to the spam :)

    And thanks for pointing me to the explanation!



    Lol, if Koichi would just include this overly asked question in his lessons, everything would be all fixed!



    Hah. I was looking at the forum list going “wait, I’m sure I posted in this topic already, so why didn’t I get an e-mail notification that there was more activity?” =P



    “The question has actually been asked here about 5739 times in all” – glad you’re keep track Mr!

    I just hope it is not keeping you awake at night.

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