This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rainydays 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #45861

    Callum Booth


    I’m Callum and I’m from an extremely gloomy part of the UK (up north). I’m learning Japanese now because at University I intend to do dual-honors Computer Science and Japanese (not technically dual-honors, but I’ll be studying both), so I’m getting some Japanese under my belt now in preparation.

    I’ve tried learning before (last year) but I sorta gave up due it interfering with my schoolwork, but during that time I learnt some really basic grammar, hiragana, and katakana pretty well, and I’ve been using Wanikani for kanji and vocabulary (I’m only Level 2, I’m paying for it next week).

    *deep breaths* Let’s do this…



    you can join the Teamspeak at pass: boundforTokyo if you have anyquestions

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