Home Forums TextFugu Optimal Anki card for kanji?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  BF Bullpup 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    BF Bullpup

    Hello when I’m new to a forum I usually use the search function to make sure I’m not posting something redundant but that function is apparently not working so I thought I would ask here.

    I just downloaded the “Kanji Vocab 1″ deck from Season 2 (http://www.textfugu.com/season-2/past-tense-nouns/4-3/) and practiced it.  I noticed that the card for 七 (alone, no other character) showed both the On and Kun readings ( しち and なな )as the answer. The all other cards with standalone kanji had only the On reading(s) for it and all the cards with compound kanji had the Kun readings only.

    I’m very new to learning kanji… is the なな in that card a typo and it should be only しち instead? I want to make sure I didn’t miss anything that I should know about that particular kanji. Many thanks.



    The readings for 七 tend to be fairly interchangeable. 四 as well, to a lesser extent.


    BF Bullpup

    Thanks for the assistance Joel!

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