Home Forums The Japanese Language Particles が and は trouble

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    I’m having troubles doing な adjectives worksheet 1.

    Koichi has given me the beginnings of sentences to work with and im supposed to finish them off buy throwing in my own choice of adjectives that i know and conjugating them.

    I still cant get a feel for which particle i should use in each sentence, が or は.

    にほん の たべもの…..

    Would you use は with this sentence?

    にほん の たべもの は きれい です perhaps?

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    It depends on the flow of the conversation. は and が is hard to practice in isolation as they are usually interchangeable. It depends on what’s being emphasized.

    にほん の たべもの は きれい です。

    As for Japanese food it is pretty.

    にほん の たべもの が きれい です。

    Japanese food is pretty.

    In the first instance Japanese food is the focus, and pretty is an attribute you are bringing up about it.

    In the second instance pretty is the focus and Japanese food is something that is pretty that you are now bringing up.

    That said, I have difficulties with these as well, but I believe that’s accurate.

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