Home Forums The Japanese Language Passion list question

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ooh_a_robot 13 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hey, sorry to pose a rather boring quesion, but I was wondering if anyone could help me tell the difference between these?
    I’m trying to fill out my passion list in season 1 (the passion being photography) and can’t work out which is the correct word to use for ‘photographer’.

    Denshi Jisho throws up three words all meaning photographer:


    I checked out what it had to say about the kanji for these, and it would seem like the first two mean a more professional photographer, and the third more amateur… is that right, or am I barking up the wrong tree? What’s the difference?



    personally I would choose the first one simply because it’s the only one that has sentences for it. That makes me think it’s more common. But then again, when searching each word in google, the second word is more common! But the first word has a wiki page. Maybe you could ask the people on lang 8 to explain the difference? Anyway, my vote is for しゃしんか :)



    Thankyou! :) I think I will ask my lang-8 friends just to be on the safe side, but you’re probably right!



    In case anyone was interested, this is the best explanation I got on Lang 8… makes sense now!

    しゃしんか is referred to as a occupation.
    さつえいしゃ is referred to as a person who takes the certain picture.

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