Home Forums The Japanese Language Passion List Vocab Help, Please? :)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  RandomStephanie 13 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hey there,
    I just started making my Passion List. I decided on going with Psychology, because I am fascinated by everything Psych, it’s my major, and well, it’s my passion :) The problem that I’m having though, is that since Psychology is a scientific subject, alot of the words I’m looking up are in Katakana, and I’ve only learned Hiragana. Is there a way I can write it in Hiragana just for my Passion List, or should I choose different words? Any help or ideas would be very much appreciated!

    Thanks :)


    Hiragana and Katakana work in basically the same way so I guess you COULD write them out using the corresponding hiragana characters instead, although I think you would be better off not doing so. The last thing you want is to get the words stuck in your head in the wrong alphabet…once its in there its hard to change!



    Try unchecking only common words, if that doesn’t work use simpler words.



    nah, copy it just as if you are trying to look and copy a drawing. thats what i’d do, thats what i did in fact

    in any case, wikipedia is your friend.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by  missingno15.

    Okay. Thank you for the help :) I think I’ll just write it in Katakana so I remember that they are properly written that way.

    Thanks for the input, it’s much appreciated!

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