Home Forums The Japanese Language Passion Sheet clarification

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Aikibujin 11 years ago.

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    So now that I’m confident in my hiragana, (and learned most katakana in the process), I went to fill out the “passions list”. I just wanted to clarify though: under the section “In Japanese”, should we put the corresponding Kanji for the “passion word”, and then under “reading”, put the hiragana or katakana for the pronunciation? Also, some words in my passion list, like “microphone” don’t have a Kanji, so I only put down the katakana: マイク. (my passion is “music”)

    Just wanted to clarify. :)



    Pronunciations are almost invariably written in hiragana.

    And “microphone” doesn’t have a kanji word in Japanese because the English word was just borrowed straight (マイク = “maiku” = mic).



    Yeah in general if you see the word in Katakana, it won’t have Kanji as it will likely be a foreign word or onomatopoeia.

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