Home Forums TextFugu Password Reset Emails

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  koichi 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #35214


    Hi Gang,

    A lot of you are getting password reset emails. I’m not sure where they’re coming from. I’m talking to the people that do my security for TextFugu and trying to figure out what’s up. I’ll post here again when I find out more. Right now it just looks like people lare getting password reset emails for some reason, so hopefully it’s just some automated task gone sentient. I’ll brb soon with more info, I hope.



    Ah, good to know you guys are on it; I came to the forum just to see what was going on with this…I was a bit worried cause I got not one, but two of those password reset mails



    Yeah, from what I can tell it’s just kind of cycling through over and over. Security people haven’t been able to find anything, so now I’m off to the web host to see if there’s any automated tasks going crazy…



    Thanks for the heads up Koichi. Haven’t gotten an email myself but will keep a look out.



    If you get an email let’s say sometime after this post goes up, let me know. I think I got the problem solved… seems like in terms of your actual passwords you should be okay (most likely possibility is that something harvested usernames from the forum here and put them into the “lost password” form over and over again). Looks like it was more of a “let’s see if I can cripple TextFugu servers” sort of thing.

    I’m continuing to talk with people who know more about security, though, and will hopefully come up with better solutions to preventing this in the future…



    Erp, ok, looks like it’s happening again… back to the drawing board…



    FWIW, I haven’t gotten any more emails since my post above.
    Also, I wonder how they got only some (but not all) usernames. I’m not sure, but I *think* I had never posted in the forum until today so maybe they “harvested” somewhere else?… Or maybe I’ve posted something in the forum before and I have a lousy memory.



    Fingers crossed… seems good right now…

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