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This topic contains 16 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Sheepy 13 years, 5 months ago.

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    I did have a quick look around the forums and didn’t see a similar thread, I’ll be the first and post mine.


    I’m pretty inconsistent and I suck at curves but it is an improvement over when I first started. I should say that my handwriting even in English is actually pretty bad! I’ve always held pens in a ‘funny’ way. (if my primary school teacher is to be believed)

    • This topic was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by  Luke.

    Here’s a thread I made way back on the old forum (back when I first started TextFugu D: – man, that feels like a long time ago hehe). First picture is my handwriting back then, and I’ll write something just to show you what it’s like now (MUCH better :P). Granted, I now know 2100-odd more kanji, so there won’t be AS much to compare it to.

    [Don't think I'm getting at you for not knowing about that thread - it WAS in the old forum, so a bit trickier to find. Don't worry :P]

    First Paragraph of Harry Potter (Handwritten)



    At the moment my camera is not working, but I’d say my handwriting resembles Mister’s. Btw my English handwriting is practically illegible and my teachers always tell me to improve, but I’m too lazy :P



    Line from a song. It looks awkward though. :< I still have trouble fitting the bigger Kanji inside the lines, like 腐 and 傷




    Hot damn. That is such nice handwriting guys.




    Great handwriting everyone, thank you for sharing these with us!
    I only finished learning hiragana a few days ago, so my handwriting still needs a lot of work.
    But here’s a picture of a part of Ayumi Hamasaki’s BRILLANTE lyrics I wrote from romaji to hiragana for practice.
    Let me know if the link doesn’t work for you (it’s uploaded on G+) and I’ll upload it somewhere else.

    Last but not least, hi everyone, this is my first time posting to the forums (I feel too shy to make a whole new post introducing myself, so this will have to do. :P)


    Wilkommen, amethystlexi!
    Oh wait, wrong language…

    OT: Looking back at the picture I uploaded, my handwriting’s actually a bit neater than that usually; not sure what happened >.< haha



    @All: It’s much better to have “ki”, “sa” and “ri” unjoined-up. The joined-up forms of them are only used in computer fonts, I think.

    @Para: Yes, that would be correct ;) Maybe try printing out a kana chart, put another piece of paper on top and trace over, just to get a feel for the hand motion.




    Danke für die Begrüßung, Michael! :P
    And thanks for the suggestion, I love writing that curvy ‘ri’, so now I have to convince myself to change… Won’t be as hard with ‘ki’ and ‘sa’, just a matter of getting used to write that way.

    @Para: Your handwriting seems to show a lack of confidence in what you write (those slightly wavy lines your kana seem to have, for example). I’m far from good at writing, but I’d agree with tracing over, like Michael suggested, so you can be more confident you are writing them correctly. And try, at least once a day, to write all the characters in a paper, so you can get really used to their shape and the writing method. Finally, don’t be too hard on yourself, we’re all learning and nobody is immediately good at writing kana. :)



    Oh this reminds me of something that I dont think people have talked about here before.

    Alternate ways of writing characters when writing by hand. I almost always use these 2, there are more but they’re not as common as these ones I believe.


    EDIT: oh and the attached version of り!



    @Sheepy: Do you happen to have the rest of them lying around, or a link to something about it?

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