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    First of all, my apologies if a thread like this existed, I didn’t find it.

    I’ll start

    元 (origin)
    On’Yomi Reading:
    [Gen]esis (げん) is the ultimate [origin] of the universe! (at least according to the bible)

    I think this is easier to remember for most people than “Generation”, as it does not really have such a clear connection.



    malicious; ill-tempered; unkind

    Waluigi -> わるいじ -> いじわる

    He’s pretty ill-tempered.


    lol nice one



    No idea why I didn’t think of げん as (Gen)esis. So obvious….

    Here’s mine:

    Meaning: Origin
    Reading: げん


    The Eye of Horus, a symbol of one of the gods from the ORIGIN of civilization.

    (explanation: This kanji looks remarkably like the Eye of Horus, see pic below)


    You use your げんjutsu (GENjutsu) to trick your enemies into thinking you are an Egyptian god!
    They quake in fear of your awesome powers from the ORIGINs of the universe!

    (explanation: Referencing the anime Naruto where they use illusionary techniques against enemies)




    malicious; ill-tempered; unkind

    I have spend incredible long time to figure out a mnemonic for いじわる but I could really find any. Now it’s just in my head and I’ll probably never forget it again. Just because I’ve been thinking so much about it.



    This time I would like to share a mnemonic for a kanji which is not one of TF’s.

    Meaning: Flock
    Reading: しゅう
    Radicals: Turkey, tree


    A tree with turkeys growing in it. There’s a whole flock of turkeys in that three.


    You want to go out and pluck some of them, so you take on you shoes.



    I have one more.

    Meaning: Oil
    Reading: ゆ (I choose ゆ because that’s the reading for the most of the words containing 油)
    Radicals: Tsunami, reason (okay this isn’t a radical but a kanji)

    You’ve went to a place where there are many tsunamis. There’s is a reason why you are there, you expect to find oil in that area.

    You find some oil so you cry out “yu yu yu.” Short yus because you say it in the language spoken by the people in that area.



    I found a better mnemonic for 又

    A guy drags himself into a bar to drown his sorrows. He’s sitting down on a STOOL (radical) and says to the bartender ‘Hit me AGAIN‘ (meaning) (colloquial phrase I’ve heard in old films meaning to get another drink). The bartender asks ‘What’s the MATA with you?’ (reading).

    Note: I do not approve of drowning sorrows with alchohol, there are better ways to handle things. However, that disapproval actually made this much easier to remember.




    Another non-TextFugu-supported kanji

    Meaning: Together
    Reading: そう
    Radicals: Tree, eye

    Imagine two trees standing side by side. They have stayed there together for many years but they have never seen each other (because they have no eyes). After so many years they have begun to grow eyes. Now they look at each other and for the first time in their lives, they can be really together.

    They open they eyes, look at each other and say “そう that’s what you look like”



    I dont know if this kanji is a part of TF, I know it from WK.

    I was having issues with 太陽, i kept typing だいよう instead of たいよう, so I came up with this little mnemonic.
    “you Tie(たい) a rope around the sun” I know the mnemonic doesnt cover the “よう” part, but that wasnt the part I was having trouble with when I created the mnemonic. I guess I could make it
    “with some rope, tie(たい) the big sun to you(よう)”

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