Home Forums The Japanese Language Practing the grammar

This topic contains 56 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  hey 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    I have to admit most of this is causing my eyes to glaze over as I try to read it. I can follow Thomas Fullerton well enough, but I am not sure what the rest of you are going for.



    Missing is basically just saying that as beginners your Japanese is going to be full of mistakes and trying to communicate in it with other beginners at this stage can lead to learning things that aren’t correct. He suggested Thomas Fullerton use lang-8, where he can get corrections from native speakers, and that this isn’t the place for it.



    That does seem to make sense. I have a friend who knows less Japanese than I do, and he insists that we try to practice with each other, but I feel like I have to constantly correct him. I think that’s a warning sign about your Japanese if I am correcting you! ;)

    Lang-8 has been very helpful, but time consuming. Still, I suspect it’s time well spent.



    lol that is an epic gif



    you might want to try interpals.net, its a pan pal site where you  can do language exchange. in other words you help someone with english and they help you with japanes. there are TONS of people on it from all over the world.



    @J.J Thanks! That sounds similar to lang-8, but I suspect by your description, the goal is focus on talking with specific people instead of a huge audience. Would you say that’s true? I’ll check it out!



    I’ve been lurking and I have to say I’m quite impressed with your ability to communicate in Japanese. Could you give some advice on how you got where you were? Feel free to email me also at supermancampus@gmail.com if that’s easier. Thanks :)




    >Do things you love in Japanese (mine is Japanese comedy/variety shows on TV)

    >Use anki to learn vocab

    >Use lang-8 or at least find someway to practice outputting what you’ve learned.

    email me at my username @ gmail if you have any questions



    @hey, yeah its more like you can either chat in the chat room, no guarantee you’ll find someone from japan in the chat room all the time, or look up someone specific and see if they’ll help you with japanese, or any other language you want to learn. its more one on one



    @J.J – Oh wow I like that. I think I’ll stick with Lang-8 till I’m a little stronger though. Still, I’ll put that in my tool kit for later!

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