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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    I’m in pretty early stages of TF with Anki and I’m having problems displaying what I assume is kanji. I have the Japanese IME all set up for Windows 7, and I’m at a loss as to what to do about characters showing up as rectangles;


    Please view the image and help me figure out my problem!


    • This topic was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by  chorong.


    It is good news that one part of the card displays correctly and another part does not. That probably means you have a proper font for Japanese, and the problem is just that one part of your card isn’t using it. Try using the font that works for the back of the card for the stuff on the front.

    I believe the two fonts for Japanese on Windows are called MS Mincho (serif) and MS Gothic (sans). Whatever you do, make sure you use a proper Japanese font, or you may end up seeing Chinese variants of certain kanji.



    Koichi helped me out by email by suggesting I look in the settings and find how to change the font. The top section was set to Helvetica, a typeset not available for Windows. Setting that to Arial fixed it, and i’m back to studying with TF :>



    I blame Hashi. Him and his Helvetica post. =P

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