Home Forums TextFugu Progression

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 9 years ago.

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    Hi I’ve been slowly studying my way though textfugu and am on season 3 lesson 8 but have started reading around the forums and seen that there hasn’t really been any updates to the site for a long time. I’ve also heard that the way the lessons are taught isn’t that great for beginners in terms of grammar and won’t get you very far in terms of advanced levels so I wanted to know from people that have progressed through the higher seasons if it’s worth going that far on this site? And when finishing season 8 or any of the higher seasons will I be fluent in Japanese or be able to read some books?

    Thanks in advance.



    An update is still… “in progress”.

    I have to admit, I never really finished the lessons here – I got distracted by other stuff – but you ain’t gonna be fluent. You might be able to read some books, though. The limiting factor is probably going to be kanji and vocab knowledge rather than grammar.

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