Home Forums The Japanese Language Pronoun usage on the internet

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nathaniel 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hey everyone, I have a question about how to refer to myself on the internet (e.g. Lang-8). I understand the nuances of 私、僕、&俺 (for the most part) but I’m unsure what rules still apply online. I think 俺 would be too rude, considering I’m usually communicating with a stranger (on Lang-8) in Japanese. Besides my terrible Japanese, this problem is what keeps me from commenting (and posting! D:) there.
    I would appreciate any help. (^-^)

    P.s. I’m not sure if this was asked already. If so, sorry! (*ノωノ)



    僕 or 私 are probably fine for posts (this depends on the content of the post I guess..). In comments on other people’s posts or on replies to comments on your posts, I’d stick to 私 (if you need to refer to yourself at all), since you are either on someone else’s “turf” or you are implicitly thanking them for their help.



    Ah, I see! Thanks then, I was really unsure about this, now I can post and comment more without worrying. ;)

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