
Home Forums The Japanese Language Pronunciation of ですか

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    I listened the audio clips in the textfugu many times.I think the pronunciation is ですga.However, my Japanese teacher told me it’s ですka.I’m confused now!

    Love and Learning


    It’s “ka”.

    Can you link to an example of one that sounds like “ga”? It’s possible it’s just a microphone artefact.


    Ok!Maybe My n00b ears can not distinguish ga and ka in a sentence.


    I think many か in this page sound very like “ga”…Especially:

    いちご ですか?

    みず ですか?

    ねこ ですか?

    I think I should really pronounce ka!

    Love and Learning

    My Japanese friend who have been studying in China for several years told me that Chinese speakers often have a hard time distinguishing “ka” and “ga”.So I should pronounce ですか as ですka.

    Love and Learning


    Yeah, the “ka” sound isn’t strong in those examples, but it is a “ka”. I do think part of it is a microphone artefact – the sound didn’t quite come through when recorded.

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