Home Forums The Japanese Language Pronunciation of 二(ふた)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kaona 13 years, 8 months ago.

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    So when 二 comes before certain counters (二人、二つ、etc.), it’s pronounced ふた. However, something I’ve heard a couple of times is people pronouncing it た – why might this be? Is it some kind of accent? A different dialect? I’ve searched and searched but I can’t find anything. I’ve heard it in at least 2 totally different places so I don’t think it’s just a slip-up: both instances sound pretty clear and on purpose.

    Examples: [Baby Cruising Love by Perfume (w/lyrics in Japanese, Roumaji and English translation)] – It’s right in the first little intro-y chorus bit, sung by the third girl (のっち)

    BALLS! I spent ages finding videos for my second example but it turns out I was wrong; I’ll try and get a different one, don’t worry


    OK, so that’s the only example I could find, every other time, my ears were just playing tricks, it seems. In the video I linked to though, there’s no mistaking that she pronounces it く instead of ふ, and it’s not just the once (I think).



    i didn’t hear what you heard I guess. I’m sure you noticed, but the lyrics are on the right side of the page, and the romanji version also say futari (the line I assume you are referring to)


    Yeah, it *says* “futari”, but (my ears hear that) she pronounces it “kutari” and I just wondered why that was. Really, it’s not actually anything important (I think), but since I’d pretty much written the whole post anyway by the time I’d figured that out, I thought I’d just run with it haha (and there’s also the fact that you can’t even delete your own posts which is just ridiculous >.<)



    I hear くたり instead of ふたり as well.
    However, I personally think it’s just the electronic synthesizing (or whatever it’s called) that makes it sound like く instead of ふ.

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