Home Forums The Japanese Language Pronunciation of particles question

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Angela 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    When a particle has the same vowel sound as a word right next to it, are you supposed to blend the vowel sounds together or say them each distinctly? I hear it both ways in the audio clips and I can’t figure out the rules. For example;

    わたしたち の 王  が 大すき ですよ! I hear her make a clear distinction between the o sound from the particle no and the o sound from king. But in this sentence;

    火山 に いきました。 I don’t find any separation between the ni and ikimashita. It sounds like “nikimashita” to me.

    Is there a rule of thumb I can use for this? Thanks so much!



    They’re meant to be fairly distinct, but in real-world speech, things tend to squish up a bit.



    Thanks! I haven’t gotten to conversation level yet but I’m trying hard to listen carefully to what I hear because I tend to be so literal with the pronunciations and I want to sound as native as I can at some point.

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