This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  AHemlocksLie 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    I just recently began studying Japenese, and I’m hoping to use video games to help me learn once I’m up to a sufficient level. Fortunately, the PS3 doesn’t use region locking (technically, there is a single game that does), so I can import Japanese games for my PS3 and play them easily. I began looking into games, and I found that Ni No Kuni has furigana, which would be helpful with any unfamiliar kanji I run into. Plus, I’ve been looking for an excuse to pick up a copy of the game anyway.

    Can anyone else recommend any other good games for lower level learners? I figure RPGs will be good since they tend to rely pretty heavily on story, so there’s plenty to read and listen to. ROMs are also good since region locking generally isn’t an issue there.


    RPGs are probably the worst games to play if you are a beginner. You won’t understand anything, so a game that relies on story is not the right choice.





    I don’t intend to start playing immediately. I’d like to be able to describe myself as at least intermediate before I start playing. Plus, I’m not looking for something at my level that I can easily play and understand. I’m looking for something noticeably above my level without being too difficult to grasp. I know it will be a pain, but I’ll look up the words I don’t understand as I go. I’ve done it before, and it gets easier the deeper in you get. A lot of it gets repeated a lot deeper in, so the repetition gives me time to learn the new words and plenty of opportunities to work on seeing the new word in a variety of contexts.



    Hrrmmm, I can’t really help you with easy ps3 games (even though I have a ps3).  You can browse around the Japanese PSN store and see if anything strikes your fancy.

    If you pick up a DS (or use an emulator on your PC), there are a bunch of easier titles.  All the Zelda’s, Professor Layton’s, plus the RPG’s and other stuff that I can’t think of right now.  Lots of options, good luck. =)



    Actually, I do have a DS, and my friend reminded me of the R4 card just last night. I looked into it and am glad to say the DS doesn’t have region locking either, so I ordered one. I’m looking into playing the Zelda games and the Dragon Quest games at the moment.

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