Home Forums The Japanese Language Question: で as "because of"

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    In the chapter “で as because of” is written, that this particle is attached to a phrase which ends with a noun. Following example is given:

    今日 は 雨 だった ので 車で 行った。
    Because of today’s rain, I went via car.

    But in this sentence the phrase before the で does not end with a noun (だった). How does this work? And ので is used instead of で. What does ので mean?

    According to the rule I expected something like:

    今日 の 雨 で 車 で 行った。
    Because of today’s rain, I went via car.



    Yeah, gotta love how Koichi contradicts himself in the space of two lines. This is one of the things that’ll hopefully get fixed when he does the big update he’s been promising.

    The だった on the 雨 makes it past tense – “it was raining today”. To make it a noun phrase, you need to stick a nominaliser on the end – の.

    Alternately, if it makes things simpler, ので means “because” as well.



    This explains everything! ありがとうございます!

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