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    can’t think of a good title for this but i have a QUESTIon regarding honorific use

    if you were pretending to be someone else
    okay that’s not gonna work out
    gotta think of better phrasing
    okay so say person’s one name is Blake and the other’s is Ellen. (this happened in my class is why the names are specific)
    so say Ellen isn’t there. Blake goes into her seat and says “i’m Ellen-san”
    would that be correct? i was wondering. or would you not use the san?



    Since its like quoting the person and “being” them.. I would guess no honorific… Since the person, ellen, wouldnt use one.. But.. Hmmm.. Lol. Also it would depend on Ellen’s and Blake’s relationship too. Maybe they are close and don’t use San with each other. Maybe since you’re being rude by pretending to be another person, you would also not use honorific. :P
    Basically I have no clue



    (I’m new at this so forgive me if I’m wrong)

    If you “are” that person (even when pretending) , I don’t believe you should use honorifics , simply because of the fact that using honorifics on yourself is considered rude (since you are basically praising yourself).



    Agree with what zelda and carlos said. You shouldn’t use honorifics on yourself. I suppose if Blake said something like “I’m pretending to be Ellen San” then that might be ok.



    Using honorifics on yourself is very disrepectful

    This is why referring to yourself 俺様 is considered highly arrogant



    Using honorifics on yourself is very disrepectful

    This is why referring to yourself 俺様 is considered highly arrogant


    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  .
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