Home Forums The Japanese Language question about が and は….

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    If が identifies what comes before, then if one used は instead, would they really not know what the thing talked about is? (or is it that they wouldn’t know the specific things, e.g. ねこがすきですvsねこはすきです。) I kinda get it but I am not sure……. :D




    は vs  が the endless battle…..I often get contradictory は/が corrections on Lang-8, seems the Japanese are confused too.



    Yup, this is one of the things I dislike about the Japanese language.  Recently I’ve just been getting by from just random instinct and what I ‘feel’ to be correct, but I haven’t learned the real difference really.

    But I can tell you one thing: If you’re doing a type of comparison, you use は.  It would be AはB desuga, C はB jaarimasen.

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