Home Forums The Japanese Language Question about はず

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    I’m currently going through 9th lesson of the 5th season of TextFugu, and some examples in the sixth page have made me wonder about something.

    Basically, it’s this:

    ボビーさん は パーティー に いく はず です。
    Meaning: I expect Bobby will go to the party.
    ボビーさん は パーティー に いかない はず です。
    Meaning: I don’t expect Bobby will go to the party.

    What I want to know is: if changing いく to いかない actually changes the meaning from “expect” to “not expect”, how am I supposed to write “I expect that Bobby won’t go to the party.”?



    I would say that it is probably an error. It should have been:

    ボビーさん は パーティー に いかない はず です。
    Meaning: I expect Bobby won’t go to the party.


    Oh, I see. Thank you very much.

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