Home Forums TextFugu Question about a 「たら」 sentence

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Shudouken 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    So, the sentence I’m having trouble with is this one:
    えいが を み に いきたかったら ”Cineplex” に いきたい です。
    If we go to see a movie, I want to go to “Cineplex.”

    Shouldn’t this translate to:
    If we want to go see a movie, I want to go to “Cineplexx”

    Following the rules shouldn’t the japanese sentence be:
    いく -> いった -> いったら
    えいが を み に いったら ”Cineplex” に いきたい です。



    Aye, you’re right – the verb in the first clause is 行きたい “want to go”. Koichi goofed – wouldn’t be the first time. You can try submitting a bounty – button at the bottom of the page.



    Thanks, I submitted it :D

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