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    In this sentence in Season 5 of textfugu, why is the particle の used between せんせい and つもり? It doesn’t make sense to me as to why it is used there.

    わたし は せんせい の つもりだ
    I’m convinced I’m a teacher/doctor.



    I think it’s due to せんせい and つもり both being nouns.
    It’s a rather bizzare thing to say, and I’m also having trouble seeing how that translation works, but I guess it would be contetualized?



    Cuz it’s a noun, nouns use の to relate to other shizz
    You get used to it, in fact if you translate it literally it makes sense (Considering つもり means convinced; rikaichan seems to confirm it): It is belief/conviction I am teacher – makes a lot more sense in my head >.>



    I can’t explain the detailed reasoning but I believe it’s just the standard formula for using つもり with nouns



    Thanks for everyone’s reply and I feel like a dummy now and I remember in the earlier lessons that is how you allocate one noun to another is by using the の particle. I didn’t stop to think that つもり was a noun and I just looked it up in my dictionary. But the translation still kind of threw me though.

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