Home Forums The Japanese Language Question about colours and the 'の' particle

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    Hello, just a question about colours:

    When you use verbs that behave like nouns before a noun, you use the の particle right? Say I wanted to say ‘pink car’ for example, I might say ピンク の くるま.

    If I wanted to say THIS pink car, would I start with この to say ‘this’ like so:

    この ピンク の くるま

    (with the same being true for その and あの)

    Just not sure if it’s weird to have these two の particles close to each other, might it instead be more like これ ピンク の くるま?

    Can anyone shed some light?




    ピンク is a noun, and noun’s can be attributed to other nouns using の. So “this pink car” would be このピンクの くるま in Japanese.
    これ is a pronoun, so it would sound unnatural to use これ to refer to the attributive “this.”
    On the other hand, この is a pre-noun adjectival and thus can be directly attached to a noun to refer to the attributive “this.” So これピンクの くるま would be unnatural.



    There’s no issue with long chains of nouns joined by の, though it could get confusing if it’s too long. For example, 風の谷のナウシカ = Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind. エリオットさんの弟さんの日本語の先生 = Elliot’s younger brother’s Japanese teacher.

    Fun fact: most colours are い-adjectives.

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