Home Forums The Japanese Language Question about example sentence with number kanjis.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi guys,

    I’m a newbie and this is my first post here :) currently towards the end of season 2 of textfugu and having a blast :) anyway I just had a question that has made me quite curious and I can’t find an explanation for it.

    There is an example sentence that I have in anki that goes like this: 十は七じゃりません。Now I fully get that this means “10 is not 7″ but my question is why does 十 use the on’yomi and then 七 suddenly uses the kun’yomi (なな). As far as I can see 七 is by itself in this sentence. Shouldn’t it be read as しち?

    I’m curious because like what about if the sentence was “4 is not 8.” which readings do I use? haha..

    Anyway thanks for any help and sorry if this is a stupid question :(



    七 is a bit of a weird one in that its readings tend to be fairly interchangeable. 四 as well, to a lesser extent. For the rest, you’ll only see their kun’yomi in fairly specific situations.

    It’s not a stupid question, just Koichi’s stupid order of doing things. Confuses pretty much everyone.


    Joel, you need to formulate the best, most detailed answer to these questions you can come up with, save them to a text file, then copy-and-paste whenever the need arises. I’m sure over the long-run it’ll save a LOT of time :P



    Yeah, that thought had crossed my mind. However, I can’t paste in these forums while using my iPad, for some reason. Also, the auto-correct function goes completely haywire if I try to correct my own spelling mistakes. Something else for Koichi to fix while he’s re-enabling the search function…

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