Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese question about learning vocab.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Elenkis 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    hey guys,

    Tell me. What’s the most efficient way to study vocab in general (for you, or whatever)?
    Should I study, I don’t know – maybe 10 words as long as I don’t actually learn them (over several day, i’m a busy person :3) or should I add 10 words every day to my list and the same time review the old ones (with ankis to-do)

    The thing is, right now I’m doing the first one ( reviewing vocab, kanji vocab) and I think it’s going to slow…

    Don’t be shy, post me some answers :D




    For me, I take the ultimate deck and I’m unlocking and learning words…when I have time or my review begin to be short, I unlock some others, etc etc until I’ll have unlocked all. Don’t know if it’s the best way, but it’s a simple way. When I’m done, I’ll regroup all my deck into a big one and re-review all + Add some of my own words.

    Oh and even if I didn’t do RTK, I unlock only the Kanji, so I’m learning Kanji at the same time.



    You should really be trying to learn new words every single day. Set Anki for 15-20 new cards per day and stick with it.

    10 words per day would be my absolute minimum.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 4 months ago by  Elenkis.


    I see. It seems like I need to change few things in my studies.
    Another question; before learning kanji vocab, do you learn the kun’yomi readings for each new kanji. Because I find myself confused when I see a word which includes a kanji, and I cannot read it, because I know only the on’yomi reading, which only helps me with the meaning of the word.



    You will start to learn the different readings naturally. The more vocab you study, the more you’ll see a particular kanji used and you’ll soon find you just know the readings.

    I never learned on or kun readings before starting on vocab. Though I did do RTK, which helped me to recognise the characters and made it easier for me to attach the readings to them when I did do vocab (but your mileage may vary).

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