Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Question about studying Ultimate Decks

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    I’ve gotten up to these decks and I’m wondering how you guys studied these.
    I am having difficulty being able to remember new words with unfamiliar Kanji.
    From what I can gather it seems like most people just review with Anki and are able to remember it that way but I have trouble with that. What I’ve been doing so far is writing them down in a spreadsheet and then reviewing it throughout the day. When it’s time for Anki the next day I remember most of it.
    Still, I read that some people are learning around 60 new words a day and it seems like I wouldn’t be able to do that learning this way .
    Are there any tips/advice on how to remember things better that would help?



    When I did ultimate I just brute forced it and did 30 a day, kept hitting again over and over until I started remembering them. It was a drag but it did work and I think I started remembering all the ultimate vocab pretty quickly. If I look back at it though it’d probably have been better to do Core instead, I don’t know about the Anki decks of Core but on iKnow they explain the differences between transitive and intransitive verbs much clearer I thought, plus Core has example sentences on both Anki/iKnow.



    I just did 20 a day, and I finished all the nouns and adjectives. I’m still going through the verbs. But anyway as for the kanji, I didn’t remember them, but I kind of recognized them for some reason, just the overall way they looked, but I didn’t make that mandatory, what was more important was learning the actual vocab to use in life.

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