Home Forums The Japanese Language Question on はず grammar point .

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Michael Lowrey 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Just a quick query;

    When it comes to using adjectives with はず are there strict rules about whether its casual or formal when making the adjective past tense, negative or negative past tense? I understand that whether the whole sentance is considered casual or not is all to do with whats at the end of the sentance but I was wondering if  you could say べんりかった はずです instead of  べんりだった はずです or たかだった はずです instead of たかかった はずです. If so, is there really any difference in meaning as well?




    It’s always plain form before はず (as is the case with most grammar forms). That said, neither べんりかった nor たかだった are correct conjugations anyway. =P


    はず also seems to be a point that so many people ask about. I think a rewrite is in order for Koichi :P

    Can anyone suggest any other topics that are routinely asked about on this forum? I was considering emailing Koichi with a list of threads to show him the extent of some of the problems people are having haha. I actually already compiled a list of threads asking about on/kun’yomi *in another thread*, but that’s old, so I’m sure there have been more since then :P


    Casual or formal depends on whether you use the desu or ta form following hazu

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