Home Forums The Japanese Language Questions about だれ and the particles の and は.

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    O.k, so in textfugu I have reached this part, and only one thing confuses me a bit, I think I get it, but I seek clarification.

    “これ は だれ の 川 ですか? だれ の 山 ですか?”

    Here it is…. The anki meaning says this means, “Whose river is this? Whose mountain?”

    Personally, the first thing I thought it meant was, ‘Who is the river?’ (something like ‘what is the name of the river’ would be in English  as well my thought that the other sentence read ‘Who is the mountain?’ or something like that. Is this not the literal meaning? I just want to be sure of this meaning and am curious to know of any rules entailing this meaning (perhaps its explained later in textfugu, but I am lazy, hehehehehe)

    • This topic was modified 12 years ago by  Yamada. Reason: editing some words to portray meaning in a more accurate manner


    これ は だれ の 川 ですか

    The の is possessive of だれ, so it would be the equivalent of “whose.”

    This is (これ は) whose (だれ の) river?

    In more natural English – Whose river is this?



    “What’s the name of this river?” would be この川の名前は何ですか. Or just この川は何ですか.

    You could, I suppose, say この川はだれですか, but that might be a little odd.

    Remember, AのB = “A’s B”. Or “B of the A”. Thus だれの川 = whose river. Or “the river of who”



    Thanks for the responses! I get it now. :D



    That was without doubt my favourite audio clip. My compliments to whoever recorded it.

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