Home Forums The Japanese Language Quick question about にほんご

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    The sentence in question is:

    にほんご を おしえます

    I am just wondering what ご means/does. I am guessing it “changes”, “Japan” to “Japanese” but even so I am still unsure what ご is. Probably a very basic question, but I really don’t know.




    語 (ご) = language

    英語 (えいご) = English
    スペイン語 (すぺいんご) = Spanish

    Et cetera.


    “I am guessing it “changes”, “Japan” to “Japanese”” – that’s exactly it.

    “but even so I am still unsure what ご is” – I’m not sure what you mean, you already explained what it was. I guess if you wanted more explanation you could say “it’s a suffix” but I’m not sure whether that’s what you were looking for.

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