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    I’m currently on http://www.textfugu.com/season-4/difficult-easy/6-8/#top, on the sentence saying “What about listening to all the うるさい children (こども), screaming and causing a fuss?”

    Is it possible to answer in the following way?




    こどもはききにくいです would mean that you generally try and want to listen to children, but it’s difficult because they’re noisy.

    Your sentence sounds slightly unnatural because using ~にくい implies a goal or attempt, and in such a case I don’t think you would want to listen to those noisy children.

    A better sentence might be 子供がうるさくていらいらする, since this would imply disturbance to the speaker.

    Incidentally, うるさいな子供 would actually be うるさい子供 since うるさい is an i-adjective.


    I read somewhere that if the adjective goes before the noun, you include a な in between the two… or is that only with not い-adjectives?



    な goes with the な-adjectives – hence the name. い-adjectives don’t need it.



    I know that みにくい (lit.-’hard to see’) can mean ‘ugly’ or ‘unpleasant to look at’, but I’m not sure ききにくい can be used to mean ‘unpleasant to listen to’ like the sentence suggests. I think it only has the meaning ‘hard to hear’ which doesn’t make sense given the use of うるさい. Also, I think if you were trying to say something was hard to hear, you would probably use a form of きこえる (to be audible).

    All in all, it’s just a bad example. Here’s a more useful one:
    ごめんなさい、それ は わたし にとって すこし わかりにくい ですが。
    I’m sorry but that is a little difficult for me to understand.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by  thisiskyle.
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