Hey! Name’s Daniel, and I’ve been working on the Final Adjective worksheet from Season 4! Really starting to learn some cool words and grammar points, but I’ve been trying to ween myself onto using Sentence enders, and would love it if somebody in the forum comments on how “natural” a couple of my sentences are, and maybe give some insight on Sentence Enders. I get the gist of them, but they are still sometimes a bit abstract, like when to use what and so on.
So without further adieu, here are my two sentences(taken straight from the worksheet):
この すし は おいしかった でうよね。(This sushi was tasty, wasn’t it?!)
マクドナルド は よくなかった ですぞ。 (McDonald’s was not good! (Dude-like I guess? lol)).
Any tips and feedback is much appreciated! Thanks for making the forum so welcoming and helpful!